R-sw Platform

R-sw is a platform to run advanced statistical analyses specifically developed for market research projects.
Currently, there are five modules available: R-sw Conjoint, R-sw Discriminant, R-sw Drivers, R-sw Pricing, R-sw Tradeoff.










R-sw Conjoint
This is the R-sw module dedicated Advanced Conjoint Analysis:

This module is distributed with two market simulators fully customizable by the licensed user.

R-sw Discriminant
This is the R-sw module dedicated to:

This module is distributed with a TURF simulator and an Allocation Tool, both fully customizable by the licensed user.

R-sw Drivers
This is the R-sw module dedicated to Advanced Key Driver Analysis:

R-sw Pricing
This is the R-sw module dedicated to Advanced Pricing Analysis:

R-sw Tradeoff
This is the R-sw module dedicated to Advanced Trade-Off modelling:


For more information please visit the dedicated website http://www.rsw-software.com/

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